The Bottled Butterfly (Book)
John Oguntuase graphically described an interesting epic story .I like inspirational allegories and this is one of them I love this allegory just as love the allegory of John Bunyan the pilgrim’s progress -Mike Bamilloye, mount Zion Faith Ministries
With colorful allegorical work dramatizing a triumph of good over evil is poised to take his place among gifted playwrights -creative mind reflecting advances artistry in dramatic art – Folu Agoi , PEN International, Chairman Nigeria Association of Authors (ANA) Lagos
A beautiful piece well crafted to present a salvation in unique style
Kolade Segun-Okeowo , CEO Zion stones Media and Christoline film
The is okay that as been stage in numerous place across the globe , in crusade, churches, campuses, schools etc . Bottled Butterfly is deep story of repentance told in
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